Reliance Employees Gain Chartered Status

Reliance Employees Gain Chartered Status

Reliance congratulates employees on achieving Chartered status in their respective professions. Hannah England, Mechanical Engineer, has achieved her CEng (Chartered Engineer) status with the IMechE (Institute of Mechanical Engineers) and Seb Allen, Senior Buyer, has...
Reliance Unveil Refurbished Apprentice Training Area

Reliance Unveil Refurbished Apprentice Training Area

Reliance are proud to unveil their newly refurbished Tool Room which now incorporates the Apprentice Training Area. Originally two separate rooms, the decision was made to enhance both areas and combine them as part of an ongoing programme of investment to upgrade the...
Reliance Attend Local Apprenticeship Event

Reliance Attend Local Apprenticeship Event

Reliance were delighted to attend February’s Kirklees Apprenticeship Event to promote their Engineering Apprenticeship Scheme. For sixty years Reliance have offered a scheme to support young engineers starting their careers. Each year they recruit six individuals to...
Huddersfield Firm Tastes Life in Military as a Reservist

Huddersfield Firm Tastes Life in Military as a Reservist

Staff from Huddersfield firm Reliance Precision swapped their comfy offices and factory floor for wild moorland and combats at the end of last week, in a special exercise run by the military. Four staff from the firm, ranging from junior to senior managers, took part...