Reliance Welcomes 2018 Apprentices

Reliance Welcomes 2018 Apprentices

Reliance is pleased to welcome six new apprentices to their engineering apprenticeship scheme. Jake Leeming, Madison Taylor, Aaron Thompson, Patrick Higgins, Alexandra Gallagher-Wild and Sam Spurr will join the programme, as five others graduate, bringing the total...
Apprentice’s Army Engineering Challenge

Apprentice’s Army Engineering Challenge

Another group of Reliance apprentices have taken part in this year’s Army Engineering Challenge hosted by the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME). Designed to challenge their engineering and design skills, the course entails theoretical and practical...
Reliance Exhibit at SLAS Europe

Reliance Exhibit at SLAS Europe

It has been a busy June for Reliance’s Life Sciences team. After returning from the BIO International Convention in Boston, the team headed out to Brussels to participate in the 2018 SLAS Europe Conference and Exhibition. The event was held 27-29 June in Brussels...
Reliance Promotes Engineering Apprenticeships

Reliance Promotes Engineering Apprenticeships

Reliance’s apprentices will be visiting a number of local schools, colleges and careers events over the coming months to promote the Reliance Precision Engineering Apprenticeship Scheme. They have attended three events in June including Greenhead College’s ‘What’s...
Reliance to Take Part in NPL MMN Event

Reliance to Take Part in NPL MMN Event

Reliance is pleased to announce that it will be taking part in the next National Physical Laboratory (NPL) Manufacturer Measurement Network (MMN) event, ‘Launch into Space and Nuclear’. The event will be held in co-operation with the EEF-NDI and will take place on the...