Reliance Sign-up To New NPL Network

Reliance are pleased to be one of the first companies to sign-up to membership of the new National Physical Laboratory (NPL) SME Manufacturer Measurement Network. Launched in October 2016, the Network enables members to benefit from NPL’s expertise by keeping their business at the forefront of measurement and validation technologies.
Recognised for their high accuracy manufacturing, Reliance has an exemplary record of supplying customers with precision components and assemblies. To ensure they maintain these exacting standards and are able to continuously repeat this high level of manufacturing accuracy, metrology and inspection are an integral part of the manufacturing process.
Metrology (defined as the ‘Science of Measurement’) focuses on identifying and quantifying the quality of measurements that are made. Reliance continually invests to ensure their measuring equipment is ‘fit for purpose’, ensuring national and international standards are adhered to.
Reliance undertake full inspection of all parts at every stage of the manufacturing process, to make sure they conform to specification, ensuring all features are maintained in accordance with the relevant standards. In addition, they undertake post process inspections, a dedicated and detailed inspection after manufacture and prior to delivery to customer or assembly, not just on their own manufactured items but on all bought-in parts as well.
David Torr, Head of Metrology at Reliance, explains “Reliance have a long heritage in metrology and we are continually investing in new equipment, training and developing new techniques. The addition of NPL North of England in Huddersfield has given us the opportunity to collaborate further with the UK’s National Measurement Institute.”
NPL is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available. The NPL North of England hub, based at the University of Huddersfield, specialises in dimensional inspection and measurement of complex components and assemblies, CMM programming, and bespoke measurement training and consultancy.
The NPL SME Manufacturer Measurement Network brings local businesses together to share their knowledge and expertise, to help members identify appropriate validation methods that will increase efficiency, reduce waste and improve product quality within their business.
David continues “The Network is an opportunity for us to regularly meet with metrologists from other companies and discuss our experiences. In addition, the annual artefact check that NPL undertakes with all its members will allow us to benchmark our measurement capability against other companies. This will ensure we maintain our high measurement standards.”
Andy Morris, NPL North of England Laboratory Manager comments “I am very pleased that Reliance have joined the NPL SME Manufacturer Measurement Network as one of our first members. Reliance exemplify many aspects of the good practice that we hope to help instil in SME manufacturing businesses to ensure that product validation is included as an important part of the overall manufacturing process and we look forward to continuing to work with them in the future.”