Reliance Precision Receives Supplier Award from MBDA

May 20, 2014

Reliance Precision has been presented with a silver award by MBDA Missile Systems for high levels of achievement set against performance and excellence expectations for 2013.

MBDA evaluate suppliers based on 5 main criteria in the recognition process; focussing on delivery, commercial, technical innovation, quality and supply chain management. Reliance’s receptive approach to flexibility, providing effective partnership through technical innovation and design, was a key factor in gaining this award.

Reliance’s Managing Director, Andrew Wright, received the award on behalf of the company and commented:     “I am delighted that MBDA have singled out our co-operation for recognition and am especially pleased that technical development features as an important element of this award. We pride ourselves on solving difficult problems as well as providing first class value for money. This award is also nice recognition on the work we have done with MBDA on supply chain.  Our close collaboration on quality has lead to the Supply Chain for the Twenty First Century (SC21) award at the silver level, which attests to a performance amongst the very best suppliers to the defence, space and aerospace industries.”

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