Epicyclic Gearboxes
Reliance Epicyclic Modules are available in ratios of 3:1, 4:1 and 5:1. Their unique design allows the units to be stacked together providing higher ratios. It is ideal for heavier duty, or long-life, torque amplification, and speed reduction applications; the units have been used successfully in sealed sub-sea applications and in motorsports mechanisms.
Transmission Efficiency, 98% per single unit, 95% in double units, the power source may be smaller than with many other reduction gears.
Gear noise is reduced by a special construction of disk-sided planetary gears.
The inherent problem of loadsharing with planetary gear systems is solved by the load equalised construction.
The epicyclic module is a compact unit with high torque transmission because it is designed to equalise the loads of each planetary gear.
The inherent problem of load sharing with planetary gear systems is solved by the use of pitch disks which are designed to equalise the load of each planet gear.

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